Hutton Rudby Primary School

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Hutton Rudby Primary School

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Our Curriculum

Personal Development


At Hutton Rudby Primary School we believe that it is important for children to be able to apply their classroom learning to new situations.

To encourage them to do this, and become more confident in doing so, we are very keen to give our children access to a wide range of trips, activities and enriching opportunities within the curriculum.

We feel that our broad curriculum coupled with ourĀ CHILD Challenges provide our children with many experiences which broad their horizons culturally, promotes a healthy body and mind, allows individual excellence and life long learning while giving ample opportunity to demonstrateĀ determination.

Our Pupil Leaders

Head-boy-and-girl-and-house-captains-1-1024x576At Hutton Rudby Primary School we try and instil leadership qualities in all of our children. Over the course of a school year they get many opportunities to show these skills off in group work, sports, dramatic performances, school council, eco team and various clubs. In Year 6, every child has the opportunity to apply and interview for a number of leadership roles, including:

Head Prefects (x2)

Deputy Head Prefects (x2)

House Captain

Vice House Captain


School Councillor / Head of School Council

Sports Leaders

In Year 6, the children all have the opportunity to lead by example as they are paired up with a reception child. Year 6s really enjoy this process and take pride in their position as a role model. In fact, many of our current children are still in touch with the buddys that they had all the way back in Reception class!

Building Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital

Every year to allow the development of cultural capital, the Year 6 children have the opportunity to visit London. Here, they are immersed in the culture and history of our capital city. They experience a West End show, visit The Tower of London and Buckingham Palace, look around the Natural History Museum and even see Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. They also get the opportunity to choose between touring Wembley Stadium, Harry Potter Studios or the National Gallery.

Our Year 5 children enjoy a residential visit to Bewerley Park where they are able to face new challenges through a range of outdoor, adventurous activities including ghyll scrambling and exhilarating high ropes courses.

In Year 4, children enjoy a night of camping at The Year 4 Campout. For many of our children, this is their first stay away from family. Here, they experience a range of different teamwork challenges such as an obstacle course, orienteering, a climbing wall, erecting their own tent and cooking on the campfire. The event happens locally, in familiar surroundings with staff the children know. It’s a great first residential experience!


Educational Visits and Experiences

At Hutton Rudby Primary School, we want to provide memorable experiences for our pupils. In every year group, we plan exciting school trips linked to educational topics. This starts in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) where the children visit the farm during their 'Farm Animals' topic. To enable children to fully understand a topic, we know that first hand experiences are the best way to learn. We try to provide children with carefully planned school trips and experiences through visitors in to school wherever possible. Opportunities for educational visits and experiences have been thoughtfully planned to enhance learning and cultural capital.

As part of our RE curriculum, we ensure that experiences, trips and visitors to school are planned in to enable children to understand a range of cultures and religions. We also support our wider community through visits to our local church for events such as the annual Carol Service at the local church. We have recently visited a local mosque with our KS2 pupils. Through these activities we aim to be the best version of ourselves. 

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)

Collective Worship Programme

Children experience a programme of assemblies and collective worship based on our values-based ethos to help promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and provide clear guidance for pupils on how to grow up to be the best version of themselves. Every week children take part in a:

  • Whole School Collective Worship: Every week, we have a whole-school assembly where collective worship themes are planned to teach and celebrate Christian Values. This is delivered by a member of staff. 

  • Picture News: This is the focus of our weekly current affairs which are linked to our British Values teaching and learning. 

  • SMSC Online Assembly: Linking to our whole school collective worship, there is a pre-recorded online assembly delivered by a member of staff, based on the Christian value of the week. As this is an in-class assembly, children are given opportunity for class discussions.

  • Reflection: Children are given the opportunity for reflection through discussion opportunities in the weekly collective worship theme session. These reflections are recorded in our whole class CHILD books.

  • Celebration Assembly:  Each week celebration assembly gives us a chance to celebrate children who have lived our school vision and we celebrate achievements together.

In addition to this, each term pupils also take part in safeguarding and e-safety/ safety assemblies. Some of these are specific to our children's PSHE needs. 

The school's RE and PSHE curriculum provides links within lessons to the promotion of our spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

 Jigsaw SMSC mapping document





How do we teach British Values at Synergy Schools

British Values are an important part of our curriculum. They are taught through both curricular and extra-curricular activities. We give children opportunities to develop their understanding of the world around them. Through the teaching of British Values, Cultural Capital is developed.

We have an elected school council that promotes the value of “Democracy” and house captains that help reinforce the school rules. Each week a federation celebration assembly is held which promotes the values of “Rule of Law and Individual Liberty”.

We have an Eco-committee which has the responsibility for looking after our school environment but also brings to the forefront current environmental issues and makes the rest of the school aware. The school council also raises money for a range of charities. This promotes the British Values of “Mutual Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty”.

picture news

British Values are an important part of our curriculum. They are taught through both curricular and extra-curricular activities. We give children opportunities to develop their understanding of the world around them. Through the teaching of British Values, Cultural Capital is developed.

Through our taught Jigsaw programme of PSHE, there are clear links to the teaching of British Values. The two document links below show where these links are made in specific units and lessons. 

Jigsaw British Values map by lesson

Jigsaw British Values map by year group

Each week we have a current affairs assembly where a clear link to British Values is always made.

We have an elected school council that promotes the value of “Democracy” and house captains that help reinforce the school rules. Each week a federation celebration assembly is held which promotes the values of “Rule of Law and Individual Liberty”. Children help to raise money for a range of charities, children are encouraged to share ideas for charity work which allows staff to support and embed this into the curriculum, for example, we celebrated and raised money for  epilepsy awareness by holding a Purple Day. This was organised and led by one of our pupils and her friends, a charity close to her heart. This promotes the British Values of “Mutual Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty”.

  1. I really do matter

Wellbeing Support For All Children

Wellbeing support for all children

At Hutton Rudby Primary School, we believe it is fundamental to keep our mind and body healthy. The children are at the heart of everything we do. We use the Leuven Assessment each term to help identify individual children's involvement and wellbeing. The Leuven emotion board is displayed in every classroom for children to use on a daily basis. Any children scoring low on this scale are identified by our Mental Health and Wellbeing lead who works with the teachers to suggest appropriate support and actions to help these children further. Actions may include weekly/daily 'checking-in' time with teachers/ support staff, discussions with parents, providing extra-curricular opportunities for them to engage in etc. In addition to this, we have talk boxes available in classrooms where children can write their thoughts and feelings. Also, the children take part in weekly Yoga sessions to strengthen their body and mind. 

We aim to meet the needs of all our pupils through our Personal Health Social and Economic curriculum (Personal Social and Emotional Development in EYFS) and the wider school curriculum (extra-curricular clubs, activities and opportunities). Further information can be found on our PSHE page.

Additional support can be provided in school for children who may have short term specific wellbeing needs through any member of staff. Children can be referred for specialist support if necessary.


Useful website links and resources if your child is worrying about the war in Ukraine:

Advice if you're upset by the news - CBBC Newsround

War in Ukraine: What do all the words mean? - CBBC Newsround

Ukraine crisis: How to spot misleading information online - CBBC Newsround

Talking to children about war

Worrying About War and Conflict - Support booklet


Useful website links for parents & carers:

Compass Pheonix

NHS Anxiety Disorders in Children

GR8 Minds - Wharfedale, Airedale and Craven Alliance

Anne Freud National Centre for Children and Families

Young Minds: Parent's Helpline and Webchat

Dealing with Anger: Information for Young People

Parents' Survival Guide

Supporting a Child with Anxiety

The Go-To for Healthy Minds in North Yorkshire


Our children develop their social, emotional, mental and physical health through our PSHE programme, Jigsaw. Please see our PSHE page for more information.

Synergy Trust Schools

About Synergy Schools

Synergy Schools is a federation of primary schools in the north of North Yorkshire. The federation was formed in September 2018 and has grown to include 6 North Yorkshire primary schools.