British Values are an important part of our curriculum. They are taught through both curricular and extra-curricular activities. We give children opportunities to develop their understanding of the world around them. Through the teaching of British Values, Cultural Capital is developed.
We have an elected school council that promotes the value of “Democracy” and house captains that help reinforce the school rules. Each week a federation celebration assembly is held which promotes the values of “Rule of Law and Individual Liberty”.
We have an Eco-committee which has the responsibility for looking after our school environment but also brings to the forefront current environmental issues and makes the rest of the school aware. The school council also raises money for a range of charities. This promotes the British Values of “Mutual Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty”.
British Values are an important part of our curriculum. They are taught through both curricular and extra-curricular activities. We give children opportunities to develop their understanding of the world around them. Through the teaching of British Values, Cultural Capital is developed.
Through our taught Jigsaw programme of PSHE, there are clear links to the teaching of British Values. The two document links below show where these links are made in specific units and lessons.
Jigsaw British Values map by lesson
Jigsaw British Values map by year group
Each week we have a current affairs assembly where a clear link to British Values is always made.
We have an elected school council that promotes the value of “Democracy” and house captains that help reinforce the school rules. Each week a federation celebration assembly is held which promotes the values of “Rule of Law and Individual Liberty”. Children help to raise money for a range of charities, children are encouraged to share ideas for charity work which allows staff to support and embed this into the curriculum, for example, we celebrated and raised money for epilepsy awareness by holding a Purple Day. This was organised and led by one of our pupils and her friends, a charity close to her heart. This promotes the British Values of “Mutual Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty”.